Monday, March 12, 2012

Update- Sorry Everybody!

Sorry, everyone!  Didn't mean to leave you hanging.  The mammogram went very well.  It didn't hurt at all.  So no excuses-- get the girls checked!

The report came back clear, with nothing to report.  I'm almost finished with my course of antibiotics, and I've got a call in to my doctor to get a refill.  I'm still a little pink, a little swollen, a little tender, but nothing like I was.  Hopefully, a few more days on the antibiotic and I'll be back to normal.

And on the positive side, I now have a baseline mammogram.  That could be helpful in the future, considering I have a family history of breast cancer.


  1. Thank you!! Yes, the ta-tas get squished yearly. Not fun, but a good idea. Maintenance is so much better than the alternative.

    Glad you are doing better!

  2. Yay! Good to hear, both that the mammogram is clear and that the infection is clearing up. Thanks for the update. :)


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