Saturday, March 12, 2011

Loss and Gain

After multiple "you really look like you've lost weight" comments from my mom this week, I dragged out the Wii and checked.  (I haven't been feeling up to getting my Wii on lately, so it's been collecting dust for a while.)  Lo and behold, I've lost another 6.6 lbs.  That's a total of 22 lbs since the end of August.  I'm not really sure where it's come from, since I don't see the difference at all.  But 22 fewer lbs crushing down on my joints can only be a good thing.

And now on a completely different subject.  If you look over to the right, under the About Me section, you'll see a little ad.  In mid-January I signed up with a site called Swagbucks.  Basically, you're letting them market to you and in exchange you earn points that can be used toward "swag".  A lot of it is stuff I wouldn't be interested in, but they do have one piece of swag I can definitely use-- Amazon gift cards.  Got to feed the Kindle somehow!  So far I've earned $25 worth of Amazon gift cards, and I'm just over half way to earning another $5 card.  There are other gift cards available too, like Barnes & Noble, Travelocity, Paypal, Target, iTunes, or Starbucks.  If Swagbucks is something you think you'd be interested in, I'd appreciate it if you'd click on that banner or use this link to sign up:  I can earn a few points through referrals, and there's always another book I want to buy!

Lip Balm Flavor of the Day: Shamrock Shake


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Congrats on the 22 pounds - that is awesome!

  2. Anonymous1:34 AM

    What BFB said!
    I'll click on the new feature when Dan goes back to work and I can us the "good" computer.

  3. Losing weight without trying to--that's the best kind. Maybe living with the folks is bringing some *weird* unexpected benefits like structured sit down meals and such? Well anyway, woot woot! as they say. :-)

  4. It's a good thing, but it also kind of scares me. It's not totally unexplained weight loss, because there's definitely more vegetables and less fast food in my life. Plus the med I've had to go off because it's ridiculously expensive has been shown in a few studies to pack on the weight. But I also worry that it might be the Crohn's getting active, and that would be seriously not good. I'm trying to go with the flow and appreciate the benefits, but sometimes it's hard not to jump at every shadow.

  5. Oh la :-( Chronic illness. So complicated and frustrating to deal with. Le sigh.


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